FOLLE CASSERUOLA GOES TO AMERICA!! Folle casseruola parte per l’America!


FOLLE CASSERUOLA GOES TO AMERICA!! Folle casseruola parte per l’America!



Next Spring, Stefania Aphel Barzini, aka Folle Casseruola, will hit the road. She is in fact planning a trip to the States. It is a special trip, Folle Casseruola will in fact be traveling with Paola Colombo, her associate partner at the School.  Paola is also Stefania’s daughter mother-in-law, so it will basically be the adventure of two Italian Grandmothers on the Road!



We’ll land in New York on Aprila 13th, being there until the end of April.  Our adventure will then continue in Miami, from April 30th to May 9th and we’ll end up in L.A. where we’ll stay and cook until May 31st, with two quick trips to Ojai and Santa Barbara.

In all those places we will offer cooking courses on Italian regional cuisine that will take place in different locations, restaurants, private homes, food events and other facilities. Folle Casseruola will also, on request, organize and cook Italian lunches and dinners, both at private homes and restaurants.



Our cooking lessons are a communal collaboration where everything happens in a light-hearted and friendly environment, where we can experiment with different ideas of “home-cooking.” Our cooking lessons are our way of being in the kitchen and this is what we like to share with our students. Together we will cook the food and recipes we’re most passionate about. There are many of them because we are very curious cooks. The courses are much more than cooking lessons. They are an Italian-style approach to food in a laid back environment. Besides teaching recipes, we tell stories, trivia, cultural anecdotes about specific dishes, ingredients, and utensils.


                                                                             Photo on 9-24-15 at 1.21 PM #3

In the courses we’ll  share plenty of our life adventures surrounding food and the culinary worlds we’ve been exploring, both geographically and culturally for the past twenty years.

The courses will give you a feeling for our country and environment.






Dear friends and “stovemates”, here I am. My name is Stefania Aphel Barzini, aka Folle Casseruola. I’m a food writer, journalist, TV author, and home chef who has always been involved in the culinary world. I lived in Los Angeles for many years where I taught exclusive courses in Italian regional cuisine to American clients. Together with the Italian Cultural Institute, I organized events, dinners and special themed soirees. For example, I hosted a retrospective on Totò, the famous Neapolitan comedian known as “the prince of laughter” and widely considered one of the greatest Italian artists of the 20th century. For this event I prepared a Totò-themed dinner, but also discovered his relationship to food throughout all his filmography. I did the same thing with Mario Monicelli (one of the master directors of the Commedia all’Italiana) and his movies, and with many more.

Back in Italy, I started a cooking school for foreigners, near Rome, at the Castello di Ceri, a gorgeous castle in the Etruscan countryside, and managed and ran a catering business. Then fate knocked on my door and I was called alongside a great group of food-lovers and experts, to start the famous satellite channel Gambero Rosso. The TV channel bred many children and many dishes: magazines collaborations, documentaries, Food Writing courses, Creative Writing classes, events, and a long list of books–– autobiographical essays, food-themed novels, biographies, and cookbooks. In short, my world revolves around food and cooking. It always has. My soul is inextricably linked to the stove.

I’m currently the owner of Tutti a Scuola con Folle Casseruola, my own cooking school base in Rome.

I’m also a food blogger at

And I’m Paola Colombo, I love to cook, to eat , and my grandchildren.  I started working as a cook first at my reataurant in Tuscany, which I owed with my husband, and then to our B&B in Umbria.  I share with Stefania ideas, passions, fun, and obviously our grandchildren!



Folle Casseruola will also, on request, organize and cook Italian lunches and dinners, both at private homes and restaurants. The menu will be on request.

PRICE: 60 $ per person.

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